Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kara Update 4

This is the 4th update of my Kara model and im really enjoying creating this character, I should be updating yet again next week but i can't give a date to be dead sure.

I had the time to render this one in full hd , and this was created in Blender 2.57b however a new release of blender 2.58 is now available

Ill be going over the hands soon and if i rember the face alittle, i pretty much suck at faces but ill keep trying.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kara Update 3 Blender 2.57

This is the 3rd update of my Kara model so far, as you can see I've been working around the skirt and top plus the belts.
The render is not full HD as i decided to save time ill render my updates about this size, when i complete the model then ill create a full hd ready version to showcase the model.

My skills are greatly improving the the point which i used my own technics in the modeling inorder to improve my wireframe/topology.

More updates to come, and yes I'm working on the top part of the vest now so im fully aware that her breast is sticking out sorry.
Mesh still needs some cleaning such as the revits on the belt are on the belly plate, this is because ive not applyed my modifiers yet inorder to then go back over and delete the un-need parts.

Created in Blender 2.57b

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Update Kara,Dragon,Minotaur

Here is a more up to date spin of my Kara Model, was unable to render a full hd version so hope this will do for now. Its still under heavy wip and currently around the skirt and belt.
The Minotaur has been textured by Rolf Jacobs

Dragons been sent off ill update that the next time i recive a image.

Keep you eyes peeled and keep checking back for when i edit this post.