My brother donated little bit of money which as allowed me to finish my new pc.
Its a very fast quad core AMD Phenom II X4 3.2 GHz Processor, not over-clocked because its not really needed and I'm very happy with the speed as its my best loved pc to date.
I've have no problems expect for some reason when plugging in my wireless adapter it gives me a weak signal, both Windows and Linux(only used Linux to check if it was not a software related) shows a strong signal but a slow web. The week after pulling my hair out I came across my old USB extension wire which soon link up to the new pc, then tested my internet speed with the wire leading out side of my room and the problem was solved.
I recommend any one with odd wireless problems that's reports a strong signal but speeds keep dropping to try a extension lead as it could just be a weak signal, not sure why both Windows and Linux show the signal strength to be strong when its not. But really its time to upgrade to them wireless wall plug adapters as they are faster and easier.
I've downloaded Maya 2012 30 day trail and started to learn it, at first I used the free trail from last year which was on my hard-drive but switched to 2012 dew to problems loading example scenes. I find Maya more powerful then Blender such as I can use n-gons(5 or more sided polygons) while modelling and then clean the mesh later!, much better Nurbs control and many other features such as layers.
This does not mean that Blender is no good!, Blender is great to use for new users,low price and new company's starting out, plus its only going to grow better with every release and maybe even over take Maya one day.
Me,my friend and brother are planing a group trip to Great Yarmouth for a few days out, got to discuss it more next week, looking forward to a small break from here. Its been a long time for me to get away from here so ill take the first chance that I get.
Been working on house scene for Cerebus Film and feel really sorry that I'm not faster, in my house every one wants on the pc and well I've got the fastest and I'm too kind. This really can slow me down alot when something unexpected pops up., plus i try and fit as-much learning time in between.
Here is the latest image of the house, lucky its near finished all i need is one good day for time.
Also my truck is coming along slowly just finished the gas tank for now, but not really in need of a new image upload so just wait a little for a bigger update.
Firefox no more, that's right I'm now using Google Chrome!.
The reason was when web browsing I came into errors loading web pages yet again, so downloaded Chrome for a quick fix, right away it open'd much faster then compared to Firefox 6.02 and it impressed me.
Shortly after I researched how to do my bookmarks and away we go!.
That's all for now ;)