Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blender Review Update

I'm a Blender user simply because I'm teaching my self and can not afford expensive software yet or training(i take donations such as hardware to books), i find blender good but its no diamond.

I have been able to try Maya/Max in 30day trails which are both far better then Blender in my opinion, The problem with Blender is that it is too basic and plain as in there is no advance settings or very few.
To do a simple job in say Maya can take much longer in Blender, for instance if you applied a bevel in maya you can choose how round to make it, while in blenders recent 2.63 version you have to apply bevel and then select the new bevel edges and bevel again and repeat once more if needed(this is because you can not tell it how many segments/iterations/roundness you want ). Also many tools such has Loft splines and chamfer are not in blender or even basic settings such as pinch/sliding when adding edge loops with more then one loop(crtl+r,scroll middle wheel for more loops), simple things can speed up modeling workflow much faster.
This gives blender a much slower work flow, and when it comes to the industry standard time is money!.

Blender has a huge problem which the developers seem to be blind to and that is that developers keep adding new features instead of upgrading/fixing existing features. The only improvements are to modifiers never the tools with an exception off b-mesh which has took 3 years of development before release and it is still buggy at parts(2.63a has fix's).
Just look at cycles the new render engine, it does not have particles,hair,smoke,"light coming thought windows"and network rending etc which are all blender features off the old render engine. Really if a feature is not complete then it should not be released in a stable build!.

Blender has got its good side aswell!, its free which is great for people like me who have little or no money. Its very flexible being that you can change almost everything you see on screen from colors to the layout. Blender with any paint software is a almost complete studio. Blender has a 3d cursor which helps you move objects/parts around and adjust things in ways you can not in other software.

But really its developers are blind to what they need and do not work in a professional career and nor do i, this is why they do not see it from a industry standard point of view. Last year there was a vote which features to improve and every one voted rendering , sure blenders developers saw this and created a whole new render engine called "cycles" when what people really asked for was improvements not a rewrite/creation of a new engine.

Blender is in google summer code again this year ,however last years work is a good 70% not finished and dating back to 2009 summer code you can still find many features not finished and never added(complete waste of time and effort).

Blender is great to start learning with, but very soon after trying other software you will start to fill limited by its tools.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Truck Update

For a few hours a day(well what little I could find) I have been working on my Truck and i feel now would be a great time to update my blog. So without further a ado I give you my Truck Update.

There still is much to do on but as you can see the front of the Truck is near complete and the back of the Truck as started, I have also started the first materials test ,but much is to be done as at the moment the Truck is a good 90% color red.

Working on the Cerebus Scene as well will show an update soon.

Stay tuned there may be 1 or 2 more Truck update's before its Final spin video.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Long time no post.
I have not posted in a while because well i have finally moved address, now living in Norfolk in the country side and it is great, this meant for a while we was very busy packing and unloading and we even needed a second removal-van because we had a lot of stuff even doe we worked around it.

The new area is Great its very peace full and you fill 100times safer then living in Essex, I now get out the house a lot and is looking for work(any job will suite me nicely).
I Take my dog for a walk now in the morns and sometimes at night ,however he is scared of the dark and jumps at every shadow.
The people who live here are so kind and friendly, every time you past them on the street you say Hi or good day with a smile, you just did not et this in Essex unless you wanted to be be beaten.
There is young children playing in the park, some walk there dogs and even a few helping with gardening and cleaning, they are so kind that a group knocked on our door and asked if there was young children living here because they wanted to play.
Shops open in the morning and an close at different times, its usual compared to towns because you check your times to make sure you do not miss them, but its great and friendly. We have the luck of having the post office/butcher meat/general shop all in one at the end of the road, also you can get your hair cut for cheap so i had mine done for just £7 when i was expecting around £16.

Anyhow I have started modelling again, here is a small update for you lovely people.

Working on a new Tavern for Cerebus Film.
Here is my work so far from 2 camera angles, it is under heavy work in progress.

Thats all for now, ill be back soon and try to update my youtube aswell ;)